Pizza dough review

The fryer is one of the restaurant and fast food equipments, and its selection, like any other equipment, requires consideration of many factors.

A desktop industrial fryer:

It is usually the best option for times when the need to add an additional fryer is felt to serve during peak demand hours. This device is also suitable for small places where there is not enough space to add models standing on the floor.

Building a restaurant is one of the most profitable jobs. But to have a successful restaurant, we need a cook and proper equipment. These two elements cannot be separated. A professional chef cannot do anything without quality equipment. The selection of equipment is made according to the type of restaurant. Traditional restaurant equipment is different from fast food, for example, in traditional restaurants, there is no need for a potato fryer, but in fast food, this product is considered one of the most important equipment. For equipment, the quality of construction is very important.

High quality makes the product last longer for the restaurant and reduces additional costs. One of the reliable companies that manufactures equipment is Kokhorar. This company has offered various high quality products to many restaurants and kitchens and has always tried to be a suitable option economically in addition to improving the quality of the products.

These small fryers are also used for restaurants that need to prepare smaller quantities of fried food (such as cinnamon rolls or fried desserts). The tank capacity of table-top industrial fryers varies from 3 to 27 kg, and their oil capacity varies from 7 to 14 kg.

Because desktop fryers are smaller than standing fryers, they are not recommended for establishments that need to produce a large volume or variety of fried foods.

The exact output of each fryer varies based on factors such as the type of food and its size. But don’t expect to output more than 1.5 times the oil capacity of the machine. For example, an industrial fryer with an oil capacity of 15 kg can deliver about 23 kg of fried potatoes per hour. While a 5 kg fryer can produce about 8 kg of fried potatoes every hour.